No Spend March


January and February ended up being VERY bad for my purse in terms of makeup (in case you wanted a round up, I'm going to post about my Jan/Feb haul), but that also means that I've broken my makeup goal for the first two months of the year AND I haven't saved a thing for Canada/USA.
Rosie for Autograph
Eyeshadow Palette in I Feel Like A Million Dollars
Lipstick in Lady Rose
Because I cannot control myself and I know that I want to buy all the things in Canada and America, I have decided that I will be doing a No Spend Month for March.


Nothing, no one bit. I don't need anything.
The only exception would be if I urgently need something and I'm SURE that I DO NOT. So if it looks like I'm going to spend then I need someone to stop me.
@keepcalmtaylor that's you.
Other exceptions include any FANTASTIC deals that come up, but I mean once in a lifetime sort of deal. Like somewhere selling off Naked Palettes for £10. As if that's ever going to happen.

No buying snacks
This is probably my downfall - a packet of crisps here, a chocolate bar (or ten) there, the odd coffee. Cutting out these things will save pennies and the pounds (as in lbs pounds).

No buying clothes
Unless it's an emergency...or a once in a lifetime deal - see above.

Only buy essentials
That means shampoo, face wipes etc. and ONLY if I've actually run out. I have tons of samples of face cream, hand cream, shampoo etc. so I might try and get through some of those. But I have just bought new face wipes and shampoo, so pretty unlikely.
I will need to buy milk for work, but obviously that's fine. A girl can't live with out her tea.

I have been terrible at just putting things on my credit card and thinking I'll pay them off later.
Do I? No. So no credit card this month.

Cookie Dough Krispie Kreme
No more of these babies

What doesn't count as spending (cheating already)
Meals out with friends/family - these happen SO rarely that it's probably not going to be a factor, yes I have no social life. But if I have to go I'll try to tone down the spending.

Things that I have to pay for - e.g. Mother's Day Card (already got a free one!) and train tickets to go and see my sister's play.

Buying coffee to use the cafe internet - we STILL have no internet after 3 months, at the end of March it will be 4 and we're not expecting the current issue to be fixed until at least the end of March. So if I desperately need to use the internet at the weekend then I have to go to Starbucks and so I have to buy a coffee.

This is just for me, not for my husband - so things that come out of our 'joint account' (aka the Amex) don't count, so if I went out for a meal with my husband that isn't the same as going out for a meal with just my friends. We pay vs. I pay.

My fave Pret coffee

Preparing for no spend
I need some new hair products so those will be bought ahead of time and as I previously mentioned I have loads of samples stacked up to use in an emergency!
I'm going to make sure I have enough work snacks in our weekly shops to keep me going - no going out go buy crisps. And I will stock up on a few choccy bars ahead of time for my desk, every girl needs chocolate.

Wish me luck!

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