30 Before 30: A Revised List


I hope everyone had a lovely long Easter weekend! It's a shame it went so quickly, and it's also delayed me posting, mainly because I sat back and didn't do very much with my weekend, which was FANTASTIC.

Right onto the actual post...

I've done all of my 30 Before 30 posts on my old blog, up until now. It's officially transferred over the mrsjennyws! I've linked the old posts at the bottom of this one in case you want to catch up.

This was my original list...I'm not doing too badly. Well, actually as only six things have been crossed off the list, that's pretty crap. And with my 27th birthday coming up this weekend, time is of the essence!
30 Before 30
A few of the things I've crossed off. Getting engaged, getting married, buying a house and going camping!
30 Before 30
  1. Get Engaged
  2. Get Married
  3. Have a Baby
  4. Buy a House
  5. Save Enough for Our Wedding
  6. Have £10k in Savings
  7. Earn at least £30k/year
  8. Work for Myself
  9. Be a Stay at Home Mummy
  10. Buy a Mulberry Bag
  11. Write a Book
  12. Write a Recipe Book
  13. Visit Australia
  14. Visit New York
  15. Visit Italy
  16. Go to Harry Potter in Florida
  17. Visit Disney
  18. See the Northern Lights
  19. Swim with Dolphins
  20. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride
  21. Grow my own Fruit, Veg & Herbs
  22. Go Camping
  23. Have a Spa Day
  24. Crochet or Knit a Baby Blanket
  25. Learn to Drive
  26. Run a Marathon
  27. Own a Pet
  28. Cook through a Cook Book
  29. Do a 365 Project
  30. Own less 'Stuff'
My Wedding at Gorse Hill
Any excuse to post some more wedding photos!
Photography by Trevor Godfree
I'm thinking that, if it's not cheating, that I may need to amend some of the items on the list. Basically because I've realised that some of those things are just NOT going to happen.

In terms of no. 8 and 9, I would absolutely love for these to actually work out. I just don't think they will (unless this blog magically takes off), but I'm going to leave them on there with hope.
I also don't think that 26 will happen, I'm too lazy. And 24 will DEFINITELY not happen, I've had a go at the whole crochet thing and it was just awful, I'm not capable enough.

I need to swap these out for two new tasks, but I'm struggling to think what. As I said, I do want this list to be somewhat managable, I know that it needs to push me too, but I don't see the point of things being on there that I know will NOT happen, that's just a downer.
This is what I've come up with:

    24. Manage my Grief
I know that this might sound strange, but it's been nearly 2 years since my dear old Daddy passed away and yet there are still days when I feel like it happened a month ago rather than 2 years. I know that it's completely normal, that you can't rush this process; and that when the person is that close to you it can make the whole process worse. But I've realised a few things recently about this, which are that I'm not coping 100% and that it's made me an angrier person. I'm hoping that I can start to deal with this better so that it doesn't affect me in such a negative way and that I can just enjoy the time that I had with my wonderful Daddy.
My Daddy
    26. Keep Blogging
Again, a bit of an off the wall one, but at the moment I really enjoy this blog, I've already experienced and lulls that come with in (in terms of motivation, but maybe that's just me generally), but I still enjoy it. Having a little piece of me out there, a corner of the internet that's my own and something that I can focus on. So if I can keep this going until I'm (at least) 30 then I will be chuffed with myself!

There we have it. I feel like they're good things to add, not just a boring old task that can be ticked off, but something to work towards and a way to improve myself.

Here's the updated list:
  1. Get Engaged
  2. Get Married
  3. Have a Baby
  4. Buy a House
  5. Save Enough for Our Wedding
  6. Have £10k in Savings
  7. Earn at least £30k/year
  8. Work for Myself
  9. Be a Stay at Home Mummy
  10. Buy a Mulberry Bag
  11. Write a Book
  12. Write a Recipe Book
  13. Visit Australia
  14. Visit New York
  15. Visit Italy
  16. Go to Harry Potter in Florida
  17. Visit Disney
  18. See the Northern Lights
  19. Swim with Dolphins
  20. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride
  21. Grow my own Fruit, Veg & Herbs
  22. Go Camping
  23. Have a Spa Day
  24. Manage my Grief
  25. Learn to Drive
  26. Keep Blogging
  27. Own a Pet
  28. Cook through a Cook Book
  29. Do a 365 Project
  30. Own less 'Stuff'
Rome and New York
Some of the places on my travel list.
Picture Credits: Rome and New York

Now fingers crossed I can get a few more things ticked off soon...if only I'd added visiting Canada to the list! There is definitely a bit of overlap with my Life (and 2016) Goals, so I've planned well there!

30 Before 30 posts from my old blog
30 Before 30
30 Before 30: Behind the List, Part 1
30 Before 30: Behind the List, Part 2
30 Before 30: Behind the List, Part 3
30 Before 30: An Update

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