My Skincare Routine


So I'll admit, up until the beginning of last year my skincare routine consisted of taking off my eyeliner and mascara with a face wipe and washing my face in the shower in the mornings. I always thought that as my skin is quite greasy that I shouldn't be using a moisturiser.
But once I started wearing more makeup and needing to get my skin wedding ready I realised that I needed to develop more of a skincare routine.

I have combination skin, probably more on the oily side as I don't get many dry patches, but in the winter I do find a few trouble areas cropping up. I tend to have quite large pores around my nose and it's blackhead heaven, I've never really seemed to shift them no matter what I've done.
I do get a few spots, usually reoccurring monthly, around my chin, between my brows and I have a recoccuring one that won't shift between my nose and my lip - it's a constant red mark that surfaces as a spot every now and then.
And finally, as a result of a burn, I have a raised patch of red skin on my forehead, that seems to become worse when I'm stressed and tired (pre-wedding it was an angry flare all of the time). It often seems to show up through foundation and can look a bit caked if I try to cover it more. Ideally I'd like to do something to make it less red and less 3D. (Also, just in case you wondered, you get a burn scar on your forehead when you make tempura and the oil explodes in your face - terrifying to say the least.)

Going back to that first makeup trail at the Clinique counter I was talked into buying the 50ml tube of the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. I do really like it and I use it nearly everyday, although I did think that I was close to running out, so when I was going through duty free I bought one of 125ml pump versions, in fact I may actually have two. I'm yet to finish the small one.

My routine does depend on whether I've been wearing a full face of makeup and just how I'm feeling and my skin is feelings, so sometimes I'll do the bare minimum and sometimes I go all out.  For example, if I haven't worn a full face of makeup and only eyeliner or mascara, then I go straight in with a Face Wipe and then the Clean and Clear Cleanser, then continue as normal.

I put this on a cotton pad and press it over my eye and hold it there for a few second and wipe off, then I hold it between my eyelashes (anyone know what I mean?) and do the same. Then the other eye. Then sometimes I'll do a fresh one and wipe it over my face.
I have very sensitive eyes and I find that a lot of eye makeup removers can make my eyes water and sting or leave them clogged with gunk if it's a thicker one. Once I was having my makeup done at the Benefit counter and the lady gave me something to take off the mascara I had on (I'm not sure what product it was) and my God, my eyes were streaming for the rest of the time I was there.
Touch wood, this hasn't made my eyes bad, so recommended if you have sensitive eyes.
This is one of my favourites, I love that it has that tingly, almost burn-y feeling on my skin. If it does that, then something in my head tells me that it must be working! I use this on a cotton pad to get the rest of the makeup off my face. Obviously as it's a skin tingling one, keep it away from those sensitive peepers!

Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion
I usually find that I still have some makeup stuck on my lashes and waterline, so I use these to get in there and get that off and then give the rest of my face a once over.
Step 4: Cleansing Pads
I've been using the Superdrug Deep Action Pore Cleansing Pads recently, although my husband decided that they didn't work and he's bought some other ones now, I think they might be Clearasil, but I'm still finishing off the Superdrug ones.
I like this as they're textured they feel like a good exfoliating scrub on your face. But this is probably the most likely step that I'd skip as I'm not sure if it's always needed.
A pea sized blob (I probably use too much) all over my face.
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel

So how many cleanses is that?

Face Wash
As previously mentioned, I wash my face in the shower (it's just easier that way) every morning. What I use does vary, but I do favour something that's quite a coarse exfoliating scrub or has charcoal or tea tree - or ideally all of the above. Sometimes I use more than one face wash per shower, excessive I know.
Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Charcoal Facial Scrub

I do love a mask! I currently have the Superdrug Witch Hazel Mud Mask, Superdrug Dear Sea Mud Mask and the Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Charcoal Face Mask. Maybe some others knocking around. And I've just worked my way through a tub of Lush Cosmetic Warrior (review here). I probably don't use these as much as I should, but I always get them in my hair, so I have to do it before I have a shower.
Superdrug Dead Sea Mud Mask
Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Charcoal Face Mask,
Superdrug Witch Hazel Mud Mask

I've come late to the party and have just spent some time reading up on the Pixi Glow Tonic and I've decided that I must have it.

Advice please?
My skin's been feeling a little greasy/tacky lately and I've been getting a few spots, so I'm open to mixing up my current skincare routine. I also wonder whether I should be using an eye cream or something similar. I'm not really up on this area!
Any ideas to help with the greasy skin and the burn scar?
Suggestions more than welcome!

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