Capsule Wardrobe: The Idea


At the weekend I decided to delve into Vivianna Does Makeup's youtube channel. I've read a lot of her blog posts and felt like it was time to delve into the youtube. Que the Capsule Wardrobe posts.

Now I have been feeling pretty fed up with my wardrobe recently, fed up of my clothes, fed up of the general style that everything is. The number of times we've been getting ready to go out and I'm just standing there moaning to my husband about having nothing to wear or not having the right sort of thing to wear - let's just say, he's pretty damn sick of me going on about it!
I just feel like so much of it doesn't represent me and how I want to look, I feel like it's time for a change and time to look a little more sophisticated. In fact, I could probably get rid of 90% of my clothes and be pretty happy with that. However that's not really that realistic, as I still actually need some clothes to wear!

Anna recommended using some resourses from Un-Fancy including a free wardrobe planner (who doesn't love planning?!) and a multitude of blog posts.
Needless to say I spent most of Saturday reading blog posts and watching ALL of Anna's videos about her capsule wardrobe. Then I couldn't sleep that night as my head was whurring as I thought of all the things I could GET RID OF. On Sunday I just felt super excited to go through my clothes and give them a good old sort out, and sort out I did! Capsule Wardrobe Planner
 Capsule Wardrobe: The Low Down
Un-fancy says here that it's a mini wardrobe of versatile pieces that you totally LOVE to wear. Also with so few pieces of clothing most things to need go together so you can make a good range of outfits with only a few pieces.

What's Included
This does vary depending on where you look, but generally it includes all tops (tshirts, blouses, shirts, jumpers etc.), all bottoms (trousers, shorts, shirts etc.), coats & shoes.

What's Not Included
Underwear, lounge wear, workout wear (ha, as if) and pyjamas, bags and accessories.

On to me and my bold ideas...

What I'm Not Including
My 'dressy' dresses and clothes, I just don't wear them often at all. And I'll leave some extra wiggle room for coats and jackets too, because ya know, England is unpredictable and we might get freezing rain in the middle of summer. A girl's gotta be prepared! Oh and my wellies aren't included, they're just there in the cupboard.
Also Canada will have to be a bit of an exception from the general rule, as although I don't wear those things in my normal cycle.I will be taking a few nicer pieces for when we go out for dinner etc. It's is our Honeymoon Part 2 after all!

On my initial calculations I had around 102 items in my wardrobe, give or take. I starting going through it on Sunday and got rid of quite a bit (well it seemed a lot) and I've got it down to 80, which covers all seasons. I could definitely cut it down more, but I'm a little apprehensive to do that right now as I want to wait and see what I can buy in Canada.
The pile to go, plus some shoes I'm ditching in the background
I do feel that I'm going to struggle to make things completely seasonal, because as I said, it's pretty unpredictable at times.

So that was my start, I feel like I'm going to try and cut down to less than 40 items to try and wear for a while, at least the next week and a half before we go away, that way I'll know what I need to buy.
Although I've just realised that we'll be washing everything this weekend to take away with us in the week, so I'll have to save my favourite things for the trip! Well, we'll just have to work around that somehow.

Anyway, once I'm back I'm going to push harder with this and try and really start my capsule wardrobe, but in the meantime I'll be working out my numbers and how they split into categories.
Also our wardrobe is open, as our flat is so small we didn't have the space to put doors on the wardrobe (even sliding ones!), so it will definitely make it look nicer and less rammed!

Really excited to get this in gear and feel excited about my wardrobe again!

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