Lush Cosmetic Warrior Mask Review


Guys...I gave in to the hype!
I'd heard good things and read lots of reviews about the Lush Masks. I've been wanting to try one for a while and so I did my research and looked at the different ones, what they do, what they're for.
The husband was away with work and I wanted something to pamper myself with. I had a bit of a greasy face with a few spots popping up (sounds. so. gross.) so I opted for the Cosmetic Warrior Mask.

Off I went to the Lush in Romford town, promptly loitered around the masks, swiped up the one I wanted from the ice tray and took it to the till. Here I must say that Lush failed me a bit, I feel like they create quite an expectation with all these fancy, handmade products and so you go in expecting an equivalent level of service to the effort they've put into their products. The staff didn't offer to help me once, or even greet me; and then I had to stand by the till waiting as the staff were too busy chatting to each other to come over and serve me. Then, only once they had finished their conversation, did the girl come over to the till to serve me. She seemed pretty uninterested, I'm not sure if she even said anything to me. I didn't get offered a bag, so had to ask for one - the pot had a smear of mask on the outside, I don't want to put that straight in my bag!
So all in all, pretty lacking in the customer services, in the Romford store anyway.
Definitely minus points for Lush there.

But back to the mask...

Lush says 'Combats troublesome spots, cleanses and cools the skin.'
'A gentle and balancing fresh face mask with antibacterial tea tree and fresh garlic working together to cleanse. Fresh green grapes clean and cool the skin, whilst free range eggs tighten its texture and antimicrobial honey leaves it soft and moisturised. Smooth a generous layer of this mask onto your face and leave for 10 to 15 minutes.'

Fresh Green Grapes, cleansing
Fresh Organic Free Range Eggs
Honey, moisturising and antiseptic
Fresh Garlic, deep skin cleansing
Tea Tree Oil, antibacterial and antiseptic
Limonene *occurs naturally in essential oils

I got back home and basically I was super excited to get that stuff on my face.

My first opinion was that it's surprisingly thick and lumpy, more like a really think, lumpy moisturising cream. Quite different to the other masks I have (Superdrug Witch Hazel Mud Mask, Superdrug Dear Sea Mud Mask, Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Charcoal Face Mask). But then again, that might just be a general first opinion of it being fresh mask. Considering the teeny, tiny tub I was thinking that there would be enough in there for like 2 masks, but I found that it went further than I thought. I probably got about 4 or 5 masks from it before I threw it out (the bits were going brown and it didn't seem as tempting to put it on my face anymore). I will also add that I am someone who likes to be generous with my masks, I like to put quite a lot on and get a good covering.
I do also like that it's cold, as it's a fresh mask you have to keep it int he fridge, and so it's quite refreshing to put on.

The smell, which is always mentioned in reviews, is actually something that I likes about the mask. It is quite strong and although I've read that people have said it doesn't stick around once you take the mask off, I found myself smelling it for ages after. Maybe that's just because it's probably crushed in my hair. But prolonged smelling of it wasn't so great.
The smell somehow reminds me of compost and it takes me back to my childhood (which apparently was compost filled).

Results and Final Verdict
I didn't really feel like it made much difference to my skin, it still feels quite greasy and spotty. And maybe because of the lumpiness and smell, it didn't really feel like a nice pampering treat.
I do feel disappointed, as looking at the ingredient list and description it sounds perfect for me, but this was not meant to be.
Sadly I don't think I'll be buying the Cosmetic Warrior mask again.

I know that a lot of people love this mask and it really works for them, so I don't want to put anyone off trying it. Everyone's skin is different and somethings work well for some people and not for others! So if you haven't tried it and you're interested, I'd still say to give it a go!

I'd still be interested in trying another Lush mask, any suggestions?

I also just realised that I threw away the tub. Stupid, stupid!

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